Inspection, Certification and Testing Services
Non-destructive testing works (Radiography, Ultrasonic, Penetrant Fluids, Magnetic Particles and Visual Inspection) carried out in numerous repairs of oil rigs and ships.
From 2009 to the present as works to highlight the intervention in the following projects:
Atwood Southern Cross “. 2 weeks
“Jack Ryan.” Transocean. 1.5 months
“Sedco Energy”. Transocean. 1 month
“Stena Tay”. Stena Drilling. . 4 months
“Cols Pioneer”. Cols Drilling Europe AS. 3 weeks
“Drill Max”. END’s 1 month.
Thickness measurement work on two barges for power generation (ISOLUX) located in the port of Luanda (Angola).
Power Barge – Dynami II (60 meters in length)
Barge of Fuel – Sea Diamond (96 meters in length)
Several NDT jobs on ships of the shipping company Fred Olsen.
Ultrasonic sheet thickness measurement in the Bechinjigua Express (2013)
Measurement of hardness and depth of cracks in crankshafts in the ship Bencomo Express (2013)
ENsco DS4 2 months
Certificates: | BV | ABS | RINA | NKK | ENAC (UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025) | CERTIAEND e Irata